Monday, January 25, 2010

My Protective Style....

only lasted a month.  I had really bad loose hair withdrawal.  I proceeded to take it down after much discussion with myself and shampooed, conditioned and then henna for the first time with Nupur Mehendi.

Nupur has a list of Ayuerudic Herbs:
Brahmi/Shikakai/Aloe Vera/Methi/Bhringraj/Amla/Neem/Hibiscus/Jatmansi
I always wondered if I could add the herbs I already had to my henna and Nupur answered this question.  So I only keep the henna on for 45 minutes and then rinsed it out and moisturized with my Darcy's Botanicals Triple Threat (Herbal Spritz/Cocoa Bean Oil/Curl Detangling Milk). Then I three strand twist my hair with Wet Set Pudding from Curlsbysistersmith.  Here are my results:

I Love three strand twistouts.

I also did a twist hawk on my daughters hair:

Monday, January 11, 2010

I have......

the holy grail of moisture for my daughter.  And it is druuummm rolll please ..................................................
Darcy's Botanicals. 

Ok so I really didn't feel like doing her hair but of courseI couldn't have my baby girl walking around like she doesn't belong to anyone.  So I spritzed her hair with the herbal spritz, followed by a slather on of the cocoa bean oil and then the detangling milk.  I did some medium size piggy back braids and she rocked that the whole week.  Well I yesterday I took her hair down to put it in some box braids because I will be gone for work and I don't even want to think about what dad would do.  When I took the hair down from the piggy back braids her hair was sweet puffy clouds, so much so I didn't want to wash it but I did, so for now on this will be her moisture regimen.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

I am in...

in a protective style.  My mom was here for Christmas so I had her put in some twists with human kinky hair.  Here is the pic:

So my plan is to keep these in at least two months if I can last that long because three days after they were in I longed for my hair.  At night I alternate spritzing my hair with Darcy Botanical's Herbel Tea Spritz and Bee Mine Grow Spritz oil free serum and I also plan to do some hot oil treatments using my steamer.  I also will be putting my daughter's hair in box braids and we will try to keep them in for a month, her hair gets frizzy easily and I cant stand it so I find myself doing her hair once a week but we are going to try to keep the braids in for a month.